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Things I Wish I Had Known When I Was First Diagnosed

1. It's OK to make mistakes.

2. Exercise lowers insulin resistance and makes it easier to manage blood glucose.Unless I'm lifting

weights. Then it goes the other way.

3. Fats can delay carb release until much later...sometimes it's 2 am when your dinner finally


4. Really cold weather makes my blood glucose go sky high, even if I'm snowshoeing.

5. Hot tubs cause insulin to release faster and can make your blood glucose low. Beware of

hypoglycemia in the hot tub.

6. Fit Popcorn by Popcorn Indiana is the best. You can buy it at WinCo or on Amazon. Make sure it's

the Sea Salt flavor.

7. Long car rides make my blood glucose high the next day.

8. I can't feel hypoglycemia in the water. :(

9. It's OK to make mistakes. (Yes, it's something that bears repeating)

10. The more a food is processed, the faster the carbs hit the bloodstream. Examples: instant

mashed potatoes and instant oatmeal.

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