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State Fair Food: You Might Want to Bring Your Own

Recently, I was looking at some pictures from when I was at the Oregon State Fair a couple years ago. Fair food is known for being, well, extremely unhealthy, and the Oregon State Fair is no exception. As we walked around the State Fair, my parents and I made a game out of finding the most unhealthy foods we could (but not eating them of course--I don't even want to think about what they would do to my blood sugar!) Here are a few of our winners:

1. Pick a carb, any carb, deep fry it, and wait for the blood sugar spike 7 hours later!

2. This just looks disgusting.

3. Fat, fat...and more fat

4. 50 units of insulin on the way.

5. I think I'd need an entire bottle of insulin to deal with this one...

6. Apart from being very is this even possible?

7. Pure sugar + fat = blood sugar disaster

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